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Parsing JSON Properties File

Nlohmann Json

Red Engine will use the nlohmann json library to help with parsing json files.

Json Helper

The JsonHelper class will be used to help validate json fields and the JsonFileHelper to load json files.

#pragma once

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cassert>

#include <json/json.hpp>

class JsonHelper {
    template<typename T>
    static T Get(const nlohmann::json& json, const std::string& key) {
        if (json.contains(key)) {
        std::cerr << "Key '" << key << "' doesn't exist!" << std::endl;
        assert(false && "Key doesn't exist in json!");
        return T(); // Not reached, just added to have returns for all code paths

    template<typename T>
    static T GetDefault(const nlohmann::json& json, const std::string& key, T defaultValue) {
        if (json.contains(key)) {
        return defaultValue;

class JsonFileHelper {
    static nlohmann::json LoadJsonFile(const std::string& filePath) {
        std::ifstream i(filePath);
        nlohmann::json json;
        i >> json;
        return json;


Project Properties

Example of properties.json.

  "game_title": "2D Test",
  "initial_scene": "scenes/main.sscn",
  "base_resolution": {
    "width": 800,
    "height": 600
  "colliders_visible": true,
  "target_fps": 60,
  "background_color": {
    "red": 50,
    "green": 50,
    "blue": 50
  "assets": [
      "type": "texture",
      "file_path": "assets/images/melissa_walk_animation.png",
      "wrap_s": "clamp_to_border",
      "wrap_t": "clamp_to_border",
      "filter_min": "nearest",
      "filter_max": "nearest"
      "type": "font",
      "uid": "verdana-32",
      "file_path": "assets/fonts/verdana.ttf",
      "size": 32
      "type": "music",
      "file_path": "assets/audio/music/test_music.wav"
      "type": "sound",
      "file_path": "assets/audio/sound/test_sound_effect.wav"
  "input_actions": [
      "name": "quit",
      "values": [
      "name": "move_left",
      "values": [
      "name": "move_right",
      "values": [

Game Engine Class

Add a new function to load properties json file.

bool GameEngine::LoadProjectProperties() {
    const char* projectPropertiesPath = "properties.json";
    if (!FileHelper::DoesFileExist(projectPropertiesPath)) {
        logger->Error("Unable to find properties file '%s'", projectPropertiesPath);
        return false;
    return true;

We should now call this before everything else in the Initialize function.

bool GameEngine::Initialize() {
    if (!LoadProjectProperties()) {
        logger->Error("Failed to load project properties!");
        return false;
    if (!InitializeSDL()) {
        logger->Error("Failed to initialize SDL!");
        return false;
    if (!InitializeAudio()) {
        logger->Error("Failed to initialize audio!");
        return false;
    if (!InitializeRendering()) {
        logger->Error("Failed to initialize rendering!");
        return false;
    if (!InitializeInput()) {
        logger->Error("Failed to initialize input!");
        return false;
    if (!InitializeECS()) {
        logger->Error("Failed to initialize ECS!");
        return false;
    logger->Info("%s Engine v%s", engineContext->GetEngineName(), engineContext->GetEngineVersion());

    // Temp play music
    return true;

Now that we are initializing the project properties by passing in the data loading in from the json properties file. Don't forget to remove the LoadTexture, LoadMusic, LoadSound, and AddAction function calls as these are no longer needed in game_engine.cpp. The source code for this section can be found here.