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Initialize SDL

GameEngine Class

The GameEngine class will tie the game loop and engine systems together.

#pragma once

#include "game_engine_context.h"
#include "fps_counter.h"
#include "./re/utils/logger.h"

class GameEngine {
    void ProcessInput();
    void Update();
    void Render();
    bool IsRunning() const;

    GameEngineContext *engineContext = nullptr;
    FPSCounter *fpsCounter = nullptr;
    Logger *logger = nullptr;

    bool Initialize();
    bool InitializeSDL();
#include "game_engine.h"

#include <SDL2/SDL.h>

GameEngine::GameEngine() :
    logger(Logger::GetInstance()) {

GameEngine::~GameEngine() {
    logger->Info("%s Engine has shut down!", engineContext->GetEngineName());

bool GameEngine::Initialize() {
    if (!InitializeSDL()) {
        logger->Error("Failed to initialize SDL!");
        return false;
    logger->Info("%s Engine v%s", engineContext->GetEngineName(), engineContext->GetEngineVersion());
    return true;

bool GameEngine::InitializeSDL() {
    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) {
        logger->Error("Error on initializing SDL\n%s", SDL_GetError());
        return false;
    return true;

void GameEngine::ProcessInput() {}

void GameEngine::Update() {
    // Sleep until FRAME_TARGET_TIME has elapsed since last frame
    const unsigned int MILLISECONDS_PER_TICK = 1000;
    const unsigned int TARGET_FPS = 60;
    static Uint32 lastFrameTime = 0;
    unsigned int timeToWait = FRAME_TARGET_TIME - (SDL_GetTicks() - lastFrameTime);
    if (timeToWait > 0 && timeToWait <= FRAME_TARGET_TIME) {


    lastFrameTime = SDL_GetTicks();

void GameEngine::Render() {}

bool GameEngine::IsRunning() const {
    return engineContext->IsRunning();

The constructor calls the Initialize function which initializes SDL via SDL_Init. We pass in SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING which initializes all SDL subsystems. After initializing the engine we will set GameEngineContext running property to true in the next section, but for now we are commenting it out. The destructor calls SDL_Quit which shuts down all SDL subsystems.

The Update function will be used to update things such as physics, A.I., game state, etc... We will want our game to run at a target frames per second and the current TARGET_FPS variable controls that. lastFrameTime is used to keep track of what the frame time was the previous frame. SDL_Delay is used to not completely occupy the cpu during a game loop. Experiment by commenting out SDL_Delay and compare the cpu utilization with and without using it.

Last but not least the IsRunning function just returns the value of GameEngineContext running.

Main Loop

Now that we have our GameEngine class defined, we can now test it to make sure everything works.

#include "game_engine.h"

int main(int argv, char** args) {
    GameEngine gameEngine;

    while (gameEngine.IsRunning()) {

    return 0;

After executing the above the following two log statements should be printed to the terminal:

[INFO] Red Engine v0.1.0
[INFO] Red Engine has shut down!

Measuring FPS

Last but not least, we should check performance to ensure we are getting the frames per second that we are expecting. We will first start by defining a Timer class that will be used by the FPSCounter and other classes.


The Timer class is straight forward.

#pragma once

#include <SDL2/SDL.h>

class Timer {
    Timer(Uint32 waitTimeInMilliseconds, bool doesLoop = false);
    Timer(float waitTimeInSeconds, bool doesLoop = false);
    Uint32 GetWaitTime() const;
    Uint32 GetTimeLeft() const;
    void SetWaitTime(Uint32 waitTimeInMilliseconds);
    void SetWaitTime(float waitTimeInSeconds);
    bool DoesLoop() const;
    void SetLoop(bool doesLoop);
    void Start();
    void Stop();
    void Pause();
    void UnPause();
    bool HasStopped() const;
    bool HasReachedTimeOut() const;
    Uint32 GetTicks() const;
    bool HasStarted() const;
    bool IsPaused() const;

    Uint32 waitTime;
    bool loops;
    Uint32 startTicks = 0;
    Uint32 pausedTicks = 0;
    bool isPaused = false;
    bool hasStarted = false;
#include "timer.h"

#include <iostream>

Timer::Timer(Uint32 waitTimeInMilliseconds, bool doesLoop) : waitTime(waitTimeInMilliseconds), loops(doesLoop) {}

Timer::Timer(float waitTimeInSeconds, bool doesLoop) : Timer(static_cast<Uint32>(waitTimeInSeconds * 1000), doesLoop) {}

Uint32 Timer::GetWaitTime() const {
    return waitTime;

Uint32 Timer::GetTimeLeft() const {
    if(!hasStarted) {
        return 0;
    Uint32 timeLeft = waitTime - (SDL_GetTicks() - startTicks);
    return timeLeft > 0 && timeLeft < waitTime ? timeLeft : 0;

void Timer::SetWaitTime(Uint32 waitTimeInMilliseconds) {
    waitTime = waitTimeInMilliseconds;

void Timer::SetWaitTime(float waitTimeInSeconds) {
    SetWaitTime(static_cast<Uint32>(waitTimeInSeconds * 1000));

bool Timer::DoesLoop() const {
    return loops;

void Timer::SetLoop(bool doesLoop) {
    loops = doesLoop;

void Timer::Start() {
    hasStarted = true;
    isPaused = false;
    startTicks = SDL_GetTicks();
    pausedTicks = 0;

void Timer::Stop() {
    hasStarted = false;
    isPaused = false;
    startTicks = 0;
    pausedTicks = 0;

void Timer::Pause() {
    if(hasStarted && !isPaused) {
        isPaused = true;
        pausedTicks = SDL_GetTicks() - startTicks;
        startTicks = 0;

void Timer::UnPause() {
    if(hasStarted && isPaused) {
        isPaused = false;
        startTicks = SDL_GetTicks() - pausedTicks;
        pausedTicks = 0;

bool Timer::HasStopped() const {
    return !hasStarted && !isPaused;

bool Timer::HasReachedTimeOut() const {
    Uint32 time = GetTicks();
    if(time >= waitTime) {
        return true;
    return false;

Uint32 Timer::GetTicks() const {
    Uint32 time = 0;
    if(hasStarted) {
        if(isPaused) {
            time = pausedTicks;
        } else {
            time = SDL_GetTicks() - startTicks;
    return time;

bool Timer::HasStarted() const {
    return hasStarted;

bool Timer::IsPaused() const {
    return isPaused && hasStarted;

waitTime refers to how long the timer will run for and loops determines if the timer restarts after timing out. I think all the functions are self-explanatory and we will see the Timer class in use next!

FPS Counter

#pragma once

#include "./re/utils/timer.h"

class FPSCounter {
    static FPSCounter* GetInstance();
    void Update();
    unsigned int GetFPS() const;

    unsigned int fps;
    unsigned int fpsCount;
    Timer *timer = nullptr;

#include "fps_counter.h"

#include "./re/utils/logger.h"

FPSCounter::FPSCounter() : timer(new Timer(1000, true)) {

FPSCounter::~FPSCounter() {
    delete timer;

FPSCounter* FPSCounter::GetInstance() {
    static FPSCounter *instance = new FPSCounter();
    return instance;

void FPSCounter::Update() {
    if (timer->HasReachedTimeOut()) {

        fps = fpsCount;
        fpsCount = 0;
        Logger::GetInstance()->Debug("fps = %d", fps);


unsigned int FPSCounter::GetFPS() const {
    return fps;

The first thing to note about the FPSCounter class is that it is also a singleton. The Update function uses the timer to determine if a second has passed. Once a second has passed, we update the fps member variable and log the fps to the console temporarily as we'll use the GetFPS function to obtain the value in a future section. Now that we have the FPS Counter class defined, let's use it within the Update function in our game loop.

void GameEngine::Update() {
    // Sleep until FRAME_TARGET_TIME has elapsed since last frame
    const unsigned int MILLISECONDS_PER_TICK = 1000;
    const unsigned int TARGET_FPS = 60;
    static Uint32 lastFrameTime = 0;
    unsigned int timeToWait = FRAME_TARGET_TIME - (SDL_GetTicks() - lastFrameTime);
    if (timeToWait > 0 && timeToWait <= FRAME_TARGET_TIME) {


    lastFrameTime = SDL_GetTicks();

Also in the Initialize function uncomment setting GameEngineContext running to true.


If we run Red Engine now, it should print to the terminal the fps of our game loop once per second. All the source code for this chapter can be found here. We have now finished setting up SDL2 and our game loop! Next we'll tackle creating a renderer to draw things to the screen!